- 1502 Alabama St.
- Houston, TX 77004
- 713-529-6900
- station.museum.houston.tx@gmail.com
- Closed Monday & Tuesday
- Open Wednesday - Sunday, 12PM - 5PM
- Free Admission!
If the President of the United States can alter and remove existing governments of the world, then every citizen of the world should be allowed to vote and run for President. . . Of course Europeans cannot run for President of the United States, but that is only a rule. George W. Bush has shown us that the rules mean nothing. If he can influence your economic and political policies, then you should influence him. . . I am asking all of you today to run for President of the United States.
Lowell Darling, Berlin, Germany, August 30, 2003
video still: RUN YOURSELF FOR PRESIDENT, 2004, digital video, 3 min 20 sec video
camera: Guido Fassbender, editing effects: Ian Roberts